A Vagus Nerve Chiro's Review of the Rezzimax

If you’ve ever felt stuck in stress mode—tense muscles, headaches, digestive issues, or just that constant feeling of being “on edge”—your nervous system might be crying out for balance.

The good news? Your body has a built-in reset button: the vagus nerve. And the Rezzimax Pain Tuner Pro Kit is a simple, science-backed tool to help you activate it and bring your system back into harmony.

Why Does the Vagus Nerve Matter?

Think of the vagus nerve as your body’s internal peacekeeper. It runs from your brainstem down through your body, touching nearly every major organ. When it’s functioning well, it helps regulate your heart rate, digestion, immune response, and even your mood. But when stress takes over, this vital nerve can get stuck in a low-functioning state, making it harder for your body to relax and heal.

The vagus nerve is kind of like the brakes to the stress response. Without a healthy vagus nerve, your stress response goes unchecked. Which increases your chances of getting headaches, neck tension, and even inflammation through your whole body.

How the Rezzimax Pain Tuner Pro Kit Helps

This little handheld device is designed to send gentle vibrations into your body, stimulating the vagus nerve and helping to shift your nervous system out of stress mode. It’s like giving your body a soothing nudge to say, “Hey, it’s okay to relax now.”

What drew me to the Rezzimax is the TYPE of vibration. Circular vibrations stimulate the nervous system in a different way to linear vibrations. And they can be oh-so-soothing.

What are the benefits of the Rezzimax?

Relieves Chronic Pain & Tension. The vibrations help release tight muscles and reduce pain from conditions like TMJ, migraines, and neck tension. The Rezzimax was originally designed for muscle tension, and it wasn’t until nervous system experts discovered it that they recognised the neurological benefits too! 

Supports Nervous System Regulation. The Rezzimax can be used to stimulate the nervous system (anywhere in the body - from the feet to the head). By stimulating the vagus nerve, it encourages your body to move from “fight-or-flight” into a more relaxed, healing state. You can also use it to assist in the integration of primitive reflexes. 

Enhances Sleep & Digestion. A well-regulated vagus nerve promotes better sleep quality and a more balanced digestive system.

Reduces Stress & Anxiety. Many people report feeling calmer and more centered after using it, thanks to its effects on the parasympathetic nervous system. It has a whole protocol called the “whole body de-stress” which is INCREDIBLE! Even for sensitive people.

Easy to Use. Whether you place it on pressure points, use it for facial massage, or gently hold it on your chest, it’s a simple and effective way to support your wellbeing. Being portable, you can easily find the protocols and areas on your body that work best for your stress response. And the best part.. you can use it on the whole family. Literally from birth onwards!

A Natural Approach to Stimulating Your Vagus Nerve

Instead of just masking pain or stress, the Rezzimax Pain Tuner Pro Kit works with your body’s natural processes to encourage long-term balance. If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to support your nervous system, ease chronic pain, and improve overall well-being, this might just be the tool you’ve been searching for.

Watch my Instagram video with Tanya from Rezzimax Australia below to learn more.

The Rezzimax is a product I have used in the clinic for years, mostly when integrating primitive reflexes. But when I met with Tanya, she shared all the ways it can help you activate your vagus nerve too. Purchasing inside Australia (link below) gives you access to a free 40min consult with Tanya, to teach you exactly how to use it for your needs. 

In this video, we cover what the Rezzimax is, what makes it different, and how it works on your nervous system.It’s definitely one of my fave tools now.

If you are interested in a Rezzimax for yourself, use my code: BEBECHIRO for $100 off.


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