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Products designed to honour your nervous system in your own personal rituals.

Sometimes, we just need a gentle nudge from the outside, to remember we have all we need on the inside.

I see you, doing the inner work..

You know your nervous system is creating your reality, but you can’t seem to make headway in supporting it. 

You're worried about having what it takes to create the wildly expansive life your soul desires.

You find it hard to keep going when things get overwhelming, and you feel defeated easily. Not only that, but you take defeat personally, creating stories about what it means about you [and let’s be honest, the stories are always negative].

You allow your limiting beliefs to take over and get in your way. 

Nagging physical symptoms cause you to feel concerned and hypervigilant, stopping you from getting on with your days. 

Overwhelm causes you to stop moving in alignment with your intuition, and start leaning on other’s opinions instead. 

External validation takes over, and the more you lean on that, the less you trust yourself [even when the messages are loud and clear!].

You get stuck in your head about the future, and spend more time thinking about that rather than taking conscious action in the now. 

You can recognise your patterns of self-sabotage, checking out or numbing your feelings.. but you can’t seem to stop the pattern from recurring. 

You’re longing for something that honours where you are.. without it reinforcing your nervous system that you’re a failure, or causing you to return to old patterns. 

Introducing Honour Ritual. 

Designed to honour exactly where you are at. 

No judgement. All compassion. 

No attached stories. All acceptance. 

Expanding your self-compassion, allowing you to notice and feel, and consciously honour the innate and intelligent responses of your nervous system. 

Stop forcing change, and start creating self-compassion. 

Remember: While Honour Ritual enhances your sensory experience and encourages self-awareness, true shifts in your nervous system require inner work and self-compassion. These products are designed as an adjunct tool - not as a replacement for therapeutic needs.