Cauliflower Mash - great potato mash alternative

Cauliflower Mash is a great alternative to Potato Mash. Helps to balance your blood sugars and decrease inflammation.

Cauliflower is such a versatile vegetable! People make all sorts of things out of them now, like cauli pizza bases, cauli rice, and even as part of paleo and keto bread recipes. But you don’t need to be keto or paleo to enjoy these cauliflower meals!

The benefit of alternating flours, breads or grains for cauliflower is that it drastically lowers the carbohydrate load of your meal (and easily too). Cauliflower has anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, and nutrients for your body’s natural processes. In many people, grains and/or high carbohydrate diets can trigger large amounts of inflammation, and even allergic reactions. If you’re one of those people, switching grains for cauliflower is a really simple option to reduce your inflammation.

My children have recently decided they don’t like regular old steamed cauliflower, so I whipped up some cauliflower mash tonight and they absolutely loved it! They came back for seconds which is always a good sign.

I completely made up this recipe, though when it comes to cauliflower mash it’s likely there are very similar versions floating about the internet. When creating it, there were two main things that I wanted to achieve. One - loads of healthy fats to fill my children’s bellies. Two - enough flavour that the children were happy to eat them (and not recognise it as the same old cauliflower they have been refusing!).

I decided to add the chicken bone broth because not only does it add extra flavour, it is also very nourishing for the gut and adds nutrients to make the cauliflower mash even more nutrient dense.

cauliflower mash keto paleo gut healing

Dr Carrie’s Cauliflower Mash Recipe

Appropriate from 6 months of age onwards


1/2 cauliflower - chopped into small pieces

2 tbsp duck fat (or lard)

2 cups chicken bone broth


I personally used the thermomix, but I’m going to give an option for both.


Put the duck fat into the thermomix and melt on 100 deg - speed 1 - 1 minute

Add the cauliflower (chopped already) and chicken broth and cook at 90 deg - speed 2 - 12 minutes

Blend on speed 6

Serve with some sea salt and pepper

No thermomix:

Steam the cauliflower

While it’s steaming, melt the duck fat

Once the fat has melted, add in the chicken broth to warm it up too

Blend all 3 ingredients together, or use a potato masher

Serve with some sea salt and pepper

Additional ingredient options

This would be really yum with a little bit of garlic! If you’re not dairy intolerant, then some butter would be yum too.

Add some green by adding green peas.

Let me know if you try it, and if your children like it?

For more delicious and nutritious blood sugar balancing recipes check out The Balance My Blood Sugars Guide.