Blood Sugar Balance in Kids (free webinar)


Hey there!

Thanks for being here. I created this webinar to support parents in improving their child’s health, gut function, behaviour.. and more.

This particular webinar is all about blood sugar regulation - and it’s a biggie!

Who am I to be giving nutritional advice?

free webinar baby food introduction

I’m Carrie, creator of the Fearless Foodies brand.

I am on a mission to educate parents on the biggest things that impact their child’s development, and let me tell you, blood sugar is one of those BIG THINGS.

By trade, I am a chiropractor. I’ve got postgraduate training in paediatrics, nutrition, and brain development (yep, I’m one of THOSE types that just keeps studying).

I started Fearless Foodies as an online course, because, as mentioned above, I am the studying type! I soon realised not every mother has my affinity or enthusiasm for extra study, and so I created some easier to use products, such as a nutritionist-approved recipe book, a guide for the first fifteen weeks of food introduction, and my newest offering, an online clinic with a naturopath and a nutritionist ready to support your family’s health needs.

I’m passionate about helping parents raise healthy children, and I do this through education (such as this webinar), and through my private clinic in Coogee WA.

Blood Sugar Regulation for Kids

Sometimes, it’s hard to know where to start.

But once you get started, and see some changes, you’re confident to keep going.

This webinar is all about guiding you to make some easy changes to your life, to support your child’s development.

Carefully considered, research-based, and easily applicable to all ages - babies through to parents.

Just enter your email for immediate access!

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 Signs of Blood Sugar Imbalances in Kids

  • Waking frequently overnight

  • Emotional regulation poor (for age)

  • Excessive hunger or thirst

  • Poor concentration in school

  • Getting HANGRY

AND MORE - learn about it all in the webinar.

In this webinar we will cover:

  • Normal blood sugar regulation

  • How diet affects blood sugar

  • Signs of blood sugar imbalances in kids

  • My step by step process to teach you how to rebalance your child’s blood sugar

Plus some bonus support tips at the end!

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