Fearless Foodies

An online portal with everything you need to introduce food to your baby, using nutrition as medicine to raise a happy, healthy child!

Biohack your baby with nutrition and lifestyle.

baby food guide
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Give your baby the chance at health you never had, from the very first bite.

Your baby does not have to suffer with the modern-day ‘lifestyle’ diseases that many kids and adults experience daily.

Fearless Foodies is an online portal designed to take away the guess work with how, what, when and why you should be feeding your baby in those early months. Let’s raise a healthy child, from first bite through to adulthood!

Peace of mind from only $129

Additional support packages below

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“Before starting Carrie’s program I was overwhelmed and confused with introducing solids to our daughter Isabel. Carrie’s program made everything easy, comprehensively explaining the whole process with so many great tips which I’d never thought of. The 15 week guide is so helpful. It explains which foods to introduce and when, along with great healthy recipes! I love having all the information I need in one place, much better than spending hours googling only to come across conflicting information. The guide is beautifully made, with lots of pictures and easy to follow instructions. I now feel excited to start the introduction of solids!”

– ELLE, mother to Isabel


Pick your level of support:

Fearless Foodies

Everything you'll need for baby food introduction

$129 - 12 months access
  • Eight amazing modules (plus bonuses)

  • Digital guides PLUS videos for each module

  • Interviews with experts in their field (added to regularly), teaching you LOADS of tips about babies and nutrition

  • Nutrition for Kids Masterclass (90min) recording

  • Recipes GALORE - recipe books, introduction guides.. everything you need

  • Weekly meal plans and shopping lists - yep we do the thinking and planning for you!

  • A beautiful Facebook community where you can meet your new mama bestie

All Access Pass

Pick my brain - access everything I teach about babies

$275 upfront - 12 months access
  • Fearless Foodies Portal - learn about nutrition and your baby

  • Nutrition for Kids Masterclass recording - 90min class that gives you simple nutrition hacks for the whole family, that will give you the biggest bang for your buck without changing your whole life

  • Vagus Nerve for Babies Mini Series (my most popular product!) - learn about the vagus nerve in your baby, how to support healthy vagal tone and WHY it even matters

  • Biohack Your Kids Masterclass - a 2 hour lesson on FIFTEEN things you can do to promote healthy brain and body development in your baby

  • Access to myself and my team to ask any questions - a group chat for support

VIP Care Pack

Ultimate support package for your and your baby

$999 or 12 month payment plan
  • Everything you can possibly need inside the All Access Pass to learn as you need - lifetime access

  • LIVE mini webinars with myself and my team - covering everything baby-related (request a topic!) - 12 months access

  • 1:1 check-ins - Fortnightly personalised voice message advice from me and my team for 12 months; as you have questions, or go through the process of introducing food and hit roadbumps (valued at $500)

  • Gut health expert naturopathic consultation (online) and support with quarterly check-ins - valued over $500


What if I told you that introducing your baby to healthy food can be EASILY done in a simple, enjoyable way?

baby's first foods

Imagine having everything you need to know about your baby’s health, in one place.

Fearless Foodies is jam-packed with tools to guide you on your baby food journey.

Simple recipes your baby will love

Monthly food charts for age-appropriate food ideas

Food diary to track their responses to foods

Interviews with biohacking experts on a range of additional topics (not all about food!) so you can use their tips to raise a healthy baby

Plus more!


Are you worried about gut issues or allergies in your baby?

I have done all the research for you!

I’m Carrie. A chiropractor for kids, nutrition consultant, and all-round health nerd. I LOVE doing this research so that you don’t have to! (You’ll hear more about me soon).

Learn about healthy nutrition for babies (that will last through their whole childhood years), and how to improve their gut health, with all information guided by the most up-to-date evidence available.

Optimise your baby’s microbiome with food - the simplest and easiest way to influence their health.

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Fearless Foodies is for you if:

  • You want your baby to foster a joyful relationship with food

  • You believe that nutrition is key to helping your baby develop to their full potential

  • You want to set your baby up for lifelong health

  • You don’t want just another recipe book – you want one-on-one support and advice from a team of experts

  • It’s important to you that your family eats wholesome, healthy and tasty meals (that don’t cost a fortune or require hours spent in the kitchen)

  • You have biohacked your way to health, and you want to know exactly what you can do with your own baby to improve their heath trajectory


Wondering What Foods To Start Your Baby On?

 You know the saying ‘you are what you eat’? Well, research shows that a healthy gut is essential to building a healthy body. And as babies go through huge developmental stages in the first few years, you want to make sure they are getting all the right nutrients for a happy body.

In fact… research now suggests that everything your baby eats before they are 12 months of age has an impact on their lifelong health!

No more unrelenting hours in the kitchen cooking your baby separate meals.

Healthy, nutrient-rich and delicious meals - quick, easy and simple.

I will walk you through introducing food in a way your baby will love – plus that’s good for them too (hey, you’ll probably even want to sneak a taste).

You care about your own nutrition, now it’s time to care about your baby’s, and learn how their first foods impact their growth and development.

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How different would it be if you knew you were giving your baby the best, without all the effort?

Providing your child with the right nutrients when they are young is key to helping them grow into healthy, happy little humans.

As a new parent, you’re figuring out everything as you go. Sure you can get plenty of tips from friends and family who’ve had babies. But let’s face it – there’s no black and white when it comes to this baby stuff. Only shades of grey. 

Fearless Foodies is a unique program that combines expert research, real-life tips and ongoing support to give you the tools you need to confidently introduce your baby to solid food, and BEYOND.

While it began primarily with nutrition, it has since become the ultimate course for people wanting to biohack their child’s health, from the GET-GO.


I’ve been there, mama..


Have you ever wondered, if the things you have to do for yourself to STAY healthy, are things you can prevent your kids having to do?

My passion for creating Fearless Foodies stemmed from my own desire to raise my children as healthily as possible.

I had gut issues, food intolerances, health issues..

I didn’t want to pass these down to my kids, and I was willing to do everything I could to ensure they had the best start to life.

Having a holistic health background, I understood the impact of epigenetics, microbiome, hormones, and NUTRITION on one’s overall health.

The most I researched, the more I realised, there are so many mums just like me, who are busy, tired, and overwhelmed with the available information.

So I sat down, researched for hours and hours, and then compiled that research into practical advice for everyday mums (who don’t have a lot of free time or mental space!).

introducing food to baby healthy

 INTRODUCING… The answer to all your questions!

Baby food recipes
how to introduce food to baby

Biohack your baby using nutrition (and more!)

Reviews of baby online products
Why does my baby have colic

I can’t believe how lucky I was to find this information. I have gut issues myself, and I didn’t want my baby to have the same problems. Fearless Foodies helped me understand how I can impact my baby’s gut health brain development, and immune system with food alone. Plus it gave me the knowledge to stand firm in my choices, even if they aren’t completely mainstream. What a great course, everyone should buy!

– KATE STEWART, mother to Arlo

Here’s what you are going to get:

safe introduction to food baby

8 Modules

Downloadable PDFs on infant nutrition- to read in your own time

Videos - quick and to the point

Interview audio recordings each week

Masterclass webinars (added regularly)

recipes for baby

Recipes Galore

You will never have to think of a recipe again! All adaptable to gf, df, grain free. Macros considered for each recipe.

Recipes categorised into age groups to make it as easy as possible for you.

baby food allergies

Interview with Experts

Every module includes an audio interview with an expert in their field. I’m talking gut health, airways, vagus nerve.. and more!

fearless foodies online course

Community support

A private facebook group where you can ask any question you like, without feeling judged. You’ll probably even find your newest biohacking mum besties in there!

what to feed my baby

Your complete guide to biohacking your baby with nutrition

Set them up for a healthy life with quick and easy recipes and tips!

nutrition for baby

Today’s Foundation Price - Only $129

Want extra? Scroll to the pricing table!

 What you will learn with Fearless Foodies


By the time you’re finished you will..

Feel confident with your choices; banish MUMS GUILT

Learn to follow your baby’s signs

Have support through the first weeks of your food journey

Have made some DELICIOUS meals for you and babe

Have listened to some amazing interviews about biohacking

Be raising a happy, healthy baby with a HAPPY BRAIN!

Serious bang for your buck!

reflux in baby how to help naturally

I have learnt so much from this course. Being a naturally-focused mum, I thought I knew almost everything about how to support my baby’s gut health. I’m so, so glad I decided to purchase this course, because it helped me fill in some knowledge gaps! It even gave me tips to help me prepare for my next pregnancy.

– RACHAEL MOORE, mother to Noah


 There’s no better way to give your baby the best start to life!

Fearless Foodies has WAY over $600 of value for just $129!

  • 8 x PDF Modules PLUS videos - $80

  • Recipe books x 2 - $45

  • Expert Interviews (added to regularly) - $400+

  • Added worksheets on the vagus nerve, food diary, and more - $50

  • Facebook community where you have access to myself and the Fearless Foodies team - invaluable

  • Discounts on consults with the Fearless Foodies team (if you need 1:1 support, the discounts you receive basically cover the cost of this course)

  • LIFETIME ACCESS - whenever we add a new webinar, a new recipe book, any new content.. whatever we add, you get access for your lifetime

    • (as we add more content, the price will inevitably go up)

  • PLUS BONUS CONTENT - which I won’t tell you about here cos it will ruin the surprise!

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how to introduce food to baby

Hey there! I’m Carrie.

A qualified chiropractor, mother of two, and wellness advocate for children. As a result of more than 12 years clinical experience, plus specific study and research into children’s health, nutrition, and biohacking, it’s safe to say I LOVE THIS STUFF.

I am trained in paediatrics, applied kinesiology, functional neurology, and neuroimmunology, giving me an extensive toolkit to work with individual needs (and believe me, it's more than 'cracking and crunching', which I don't do at all). My clinic is in Perth WA, and I see oodles of kids every week.

I’ve made it my mission to share my wealth of research and experience as widely as possible through a series of programs that will be made available online to anyone in the world.

Fearless Foodies brings together everything I have studied about childhood nutrition and raising healthy, happy kids, into a complete program. What started as a joy for infant nutrition, has turned into an extensive course to help you HOLISTICALLY raise a healthy child.

This program is unlike any available online, and it teaches you everything you need to “biohack your baby” (heck, you’ll learn things to support your own health too - I’m sure of it).

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What are you waiting for?

Fearless Foodies gives you all the information you need to use food as medicine in your baby’s health and development

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Your Fearless Foodies Options 

Foundations of Fearless Foodies

Everything you'll need for baby food introduction

$129 - 12 months access
  • Eight amazing modules (plus bonuses)

  • Digital guides PLUS videos for each module

  • Interviews with experts in their field (added to regularly), teaching you LOADS of tips about babies and nutrition

  • Nutrition for Kids Masterclass (90min) recording

  • Recipes GALORE - recipe books, introduction guides.. everything you need

  • Weekly meal plans and shopping lists - yep we do the thinking and planning for you!

  • A beautiful Facebook community where you can meet your new mama bestie

All Access Pass

Pick my brain - access everything I teach about babies

$275 - 12 moths access
  • Fearless Foodies Portal - learn about nutrition and your baby

  • Nutrition for Kids Masterclass recording - 90min class that gives you simple nutrition hacks for the whole family, that will give you the biggest bang for your buck without changing your whole life

  • Vagus Nerve for Babies Mini Series (my most popular product!) - learn about the vagus nerve in your baby, how to support healthy vagal tone and WHY it even matters

  • Biohack Your Kids Masterclass - a 2 hour lesson on FIFTEEN things you can do to promote healthy brain and body development in your baby

  • DVoice drop check-ins to ask any questions you've got for the first 3 months

VIP Care Pack

Ultimate support package for your and your baby

$999 - 12 months support included
  • Everything you can possibly need inside the All Access Pass to learn as you need - lifetime access for this

  • Fearless Foodies Portal for learning the foundations of introducing food to your baby (with recipes)

  • Access to personalised voice message advice from me (and my team) for 3 months; as you have questions, or go through the process of introducing food and hit roadbumps (valued at $500)

  • Gut health expert naturopathic consultation (online) and support for 12 months - including GAPS baby food introduction guide - this can be for you, or your baby, or spread between the both of you


Still have questions? I’ve got answers! 

There are a number of signs to look for to know if your baby is ready to start solid food, although it usually happens between 4 to 6 months. When you first sign up you get access to my quick-start guide on the things to look for. As soon as your baby looks ready, you’ll have the program to guide you.

I recommend getting started on the Fearless Foodies course before your baby is ready, so you can hit the ground running when the time comes!

If you're still not sure, I've written a blog post on this topic - search for it in the search bar.

I get it, with the whole word at our fingertips, paying for information seems futile. But here’s the thing. I’ve done all the research for you, so you don’t have to spend hours on the internet, working out what is best for you and your baby. I’ve scoured the research, compiled it into one easy-to-read course, AND you also get contact with me. I’ll be holding your hand the whole way through.

I get it, mama! I've created this course with mums in mind.

Videos are short, the modules can be read in your own time, and the interviews are in audio format so you can listen to them in the background. The recipes are quick and easy to create, and they're designed for the whole family to love, so you're not making multiple recipes all day!

I’ve designed the program based on years of experience as a children’s chiropractor and neurodevelopmental advocate. I am so confident in my product, that I will give you a 7 day money-back guarantee. If you get through your first 7 days and feel it’s not the right course for you, you can have your money back, no questions asked.

Fearless Foodies goes into a lot more detail than could be provided in a single book.

It is designed to give you in-depth knowledge around infant nutrition. I don’t just give you recipes. I cover the WHY behind each step, so you can be sure that you’re doing the best you can for your baby.

In fact, I firmly believe that once you understand the why, you won't need to make your baby specific baby recipes. However, I also understand you would like recipes, which is why Fearless Foodies includes my 2 recipe books - 101 Baby Food Recipes, and the First 15 Weeks of Food Introduction.

You’ll also learn about the benefits of each food being introduced, allergies and other responses to look for and a food diary. Plus you’ll be added to a private Facebook group and get one-on-one email support to ask questions and seek guidance.

I believe that anyone can provide nutritious, healthy food for their baby once they’ve been shown how. However, I as a working mum myself, I also know how little time there is in the day to get everything done and still spend time enjoying the gift that is your baby. So I’ve designed these recipes to be quick and easy to prepare, AND for your baby to love!

Although a number of the recipes included do not contain meat, not all the recipes are vegetarian or vegan. You may choose to substitute those meals for other recipes. All the recipes are gluten free OR have gluten free options, while most of the recipes are paleo (or can be adapted to a paleo diet).

After you sign up, you’ll get access to a private Facebook group where you can hang out with other participants and share information and get support. I’ll also be holding regular ‘office hours’ where you can ask me any questions you have about introducing your baby to solid food, any reactions to their diet (good and bad) and general kid’s wellness stuff. I can’t wait for everyone to get in there are start sharing stories!


Access Fearless Foodies for only $129

Before the price rises shortly!

learn to introduce food to baby
testimonial for baby food recipe book

As a busy mum, this took away all the guess work. Do yourself a favour and get it today!

– NADIA BROWNE, mother to Ayla

best baby food recipes australia

I wish this was available when my first baby was born. I purchased it to use with my second baby, and I learnt so much.

– REBECCA O’KEEFE, mother to Banjo and Skye