Photo - bio - modulation
Sounds like a long, sci-fi name. But really, all it means is using LIGHT to modulate how your cells (and therefore body) function.
Phototherapy patching has been life changing for my family and I. And that’s no exaggeration.
I love them because -
you don’t have to swallow more pills or supplements
they’re easy to get kids to use
they’re easy to control the dose - take them on and off as you need them
they work beautifully with the nervous system, meridian system, and your overall health
there are patches for LITERALLY EVERYTHING
(quite possibly my favourite) - there are always unexpected benefits, when your body works better, you notice other things clear up that you may have thought were “just you”
I go into more detail in this video!
Get in touch today to ask any questions!
Keen to jump in and register wholesale?
Please follow these instructions to avoid paying retail prices!
Click here (and choose JOIN, not buy).
You can purchase LifeWave patches at heavily discounted prices if you join.
Purchasing for yourself and your family? There are no ongoing requirements for you when you sign up for wholesale and simply purchase for yourself.
Joining to become a distributor? Please choose the 'left leg' on checkout. Your ‘legs’ only really matter when you join patches as a business distributor.
Which patches to purchase
Be sure to edit the shopping cart with what you want to purchase when you get there. I have made some suggestions for what to order in each membership level below.
Or - simply let me know what you’re wanting to patch for, and I will help you choose the right ones!