Learn how to balance your blood sugars (without changing your whole life)


Hey there!

You must be searching for answers about your blood sugar imbalance, prediabetes, or insulin resistance.. or maybe you just *suspect^ your blood sugar is part of your fatigue and lack of zest.

Well, look no further. I’ve got the webinar for you!

The Ultimate FREE Blood Sugar Webinar by Dr Carrie (chiropractor)

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I’m Carrie, a holistic chiropractor in Perth WA.

I’ve got postgraduate training in paediatrics, nutrition, applied kinesiology, and neurology, and I have a LOVE for all things BRAINS..

Why the brain?

Well, simply put, the brain is the master controller of your body. If your brain isn’t happy, your body won’t be either. How that manifests in your body? Who knows.

The vast array of symptoms presenting to my clinic (that are ultimately brain issues), led me to find the ^key^ lifestyle changes that give people the biggest bang for their buck.

I am passionate about educating people about these topics, one of them being BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION.

I believe knowledge is power, and so this blood sugar webinar was created for free, with you in mind, so that you can use these tools to improve your own health.

 What you will learn in the Blood Sugar Balance Webinar

  • Basic physiology of blood sugar

  • What happens when things go wrong

  • The most common dietary causes of blood sugar imbalance

  • All of the other dysregulated blood sugar symptoms and causes

  • Learn the EXACT METHOD of how I teach members of my practice to deal with blood sugar issues in their life

  • Some tips to help your blood sugar that you can implement immediately

PLUS some bonuses at the end, just for you!

The best part? You won’t have to change your whole life with my process, and you’ll still be able to do and eat the things you love.

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This webinar is for you if you suffer from:

  • Prediabetes

  • Insulin resistance

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic stress

  • Brain fog and poor concentration

  • Insomnia

  • Lack of balance

  • Fatigue with exercise

  • Hormonal issues such as PMS, PCOS or fibroids

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Headaches

  • Unexplained weight gain

  • Chronic lower back pain

  • Unexplained fatigue


Don’t hold off any longer - register to learn more about how your blood sugar is impacting your health.

 Check out some of my blog posts on blood sugar