A comparative review of the Pulsetto, Sensate and Apollo Neuro Vagus Nerve Devices
Recently I compared the three most common vagus nerve devices I get asked about in my clinic and coaching - those being the Pulsetto, the Sensate and the Apollo Neuro.
Each of these devices are easy to access for consumers (as opposed to some others on the market) and you may have even been served some ads for them if you’re researching vagus nerve things!
This review covers the mechanism of action of the devices, as well as the overall feel of them. I will be releasing further blogs and videos on how they impact your HRV.
I’ve added my review video on youtube too!
The Pulsetto is the only one of the three that DIRECTLY stimulates the vagus nerve.
It uses electrical conduction to stimulate the vagus at the front of the neck.
It stimulates the vagus nerve bilaterally, ie both sides at the same time. Some of the research suggests only doing the right sided vagus as the left side has dense fibres that go to the heart.
The app is great, it asks you a number of questions and suggests the right program for you.
Programs start at 4 minutes but can go up to 20 minutes.
It has a free and a paid version, but there is plenty to do on the free version. It also uses bluetooth to connect to the device, so there are no cords, but it depends how you feel about bluetooth. The app tracks your activity and gives you some breathing exercises to go with the vagus nerve stimulation.
The sensation using Pulsetto is tingly, prickly, kind of like a tens.
You do need to use gel for conduction, so if you’re sensory with sticky / gel type things you might not like it.
The size is for medium to larger necks. However, they have a new one coming out soon for smaller necks!
This device is not for use under the age of 18 years. So not ideal for kids.
Research is still up and coming, they have just received a grant to conduct more research on the device.
A number of my patients have used this device and I will be offering trial sessions in my clinic for those who want to try it. BUT they also offer 30 days money back! So you can’t go wrong with that.
Overall, I really like the Pulsetto. I have been using it for almost 2 years (though I didn’t use it when I was pregnant).
The sensate uses small vibrations, and is based on the concept of bone conduction.
There is some research behind bone conduction at the ear stimulating the vagus nerve, but the Sensate is designed to be placed on your chest.
Typically, this means to me that it is INDIRECTLY impacting the vagus nerve by downregulating the stress response. There are a large number of vagal fibres in the chest cavity.
You could theoretically use it on the abdomen too..
The app connects via bluetooth, and once again has free and paid versions. They have soundscapes and meditations to listen to while you’re doing a program. Or, if you don’t have the time to fully stop, it also comes with a strap around your neck so you can just wear the Sensate while you’re getting on with your day.
It is the simplest of all the apps.
You can change the intensity of the vibration to suit your tolerance.
I find this one is good for kids, say before bed etc, it is a great stimulation to downregulate their nervous system to enable sleep.
I have had some clients have absolutely remarkable results with this device, and others feel like it does nothing. So you really need to know that it will depend on your nervous system as to how you respond.
Apollo Neuro
The Apollo also uses small vibrations, but is placed on the wrist or ankle. I like this option if you know you are very sensitive and you’d like to start slow.
It is also great for kids.
The onboarding is so lovely, some really informative emails and their app is lovely too.
The app has a free and a paid version. Inside the paid version, you can opt to have it start to personalise the vibrations to suit your nervous system, based on your activity levels. I haven’t done this so I can’t comment on it fully, but it’s a great idea. If you’re into wearables, then I can see the personalisation being beneficial.
The Apollo is designed to be worn all day, or at a minimum, 3 hours a day 5 days a week. So if you don’t like things on your body, you might want to steer away from this one.
It connects with your Oura Ring, so if you track your data with that, you can see in real time how the Apollo is influencing your nervous system.
The Apollo has the most research behind it, and they appear to be the most pro-active in this area.
I have once again had people respond very positively to this device, and other times feel as though it isn’t right for their nervous system.
My fave vagus nerve device
For adults -
Pulsetto for most individuals. Use code CARRIE for 10% off.
For kids -
It’s actually a mix between Sensate and Apollo - if you’re not sure, ask me and I’ll tell you which would suit your child best.
Sensate discount for 10% off - DrCarrieRigoni
I don’t currently have an Apollo discount code, but you can purchase it here with my link.