Coconut & Apple Muffins (Grain, dairy, added sugar free)

I wanted to introduce some more egg to my baby in a a new and different way, so I decided to create some muffins! We have chosen not to give our baby grains or dairy yet, so this recipe is grain, dairy and added sugar free. If you have a baby with a leaky gut or concerns about food intolerances, I'd recommend avoiding grains and dairy for them too (digesting food is already difficult enough without adding in extra challenges!). There are also egg free-options available, my favourite is using chia. But since this recipe is about introducing eggs to your baby, let's focus on that!

Muffins are a fantastic option for your baby to learn to feed themselves, as they are easy to handle and break up into pieces. Plus they are great for when you're out and about cos they're so portable!

For this recipe, I chose foods my baby had previously eaten without issues. The muffins provide a brand new texture and learning experience, but with a familiar flavour.

Coconut and Apple Muffins 

There are two steps involved in creating these muffins!

Step 1. Apple Puree


  • 6 small apples

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1.5 cups filtered water

  • 2 slices of lemon


  • Cut apples into small pieces (you can peel if you like however I prefer to leave the skin on)

  • Put all ingredients into a pot, bring to the boil then reduce to simmer for about 20 min, until the apple is soft (I test this by squashing one piece of apple under my spoon - if it squashes easily, the apples are ready)

    • Stir every 5 min

    • Add more water if necessary

  • Remove lemon slices (all that should be left is the skin really!)

  • Blend in any kind of blender or mash manually with potato masher

  • You can use it warm or cool to create muffin mixture

Step 2. Muffins


  • 5 medium eggs (pasture-raised)

  • 1 cup apple puree

  • 1/2 cup coconut flour

  • 1 tsp baking soda

  • 1/2 cup coconut oil (melted)


  • 1 tsp Vanilla

  • Dates, stevia, maple syrup (if you really want to add extra sweetness!)

paleo muffins for toddler


  • Preheat oven to 200 deg

  • Mix ingredients in thermomix or however you mix/whisk things

  • Let sit for 5 min

  • Grease muffin tray with a bit of coconut oil

  • Scoop about 1/3 cup of mixture into each muffin

  • Bake for 12-15 min or until brown-topped, or not so soft with pressure

  • Let cool for 2 min before enjoying!


Other combinations to try:

  • Halve the apple and add 1 banana

  • Add 1/2 cup berries

  • Try with almond meal, or half coconut half almond

  • Add 3 tbsp cocoa powder or cacao nibs for some chocolatey goodness (I wouldn’t recommend before 12 months of age)

  • Top with quinoa flakes for extra protein


Looking for more family friendly recipes? This ebook has you covered - from introducing solids all the way to lunchboxes!

101 Baby Food Recipes ebook plus Weekly Meal Plans
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