My top 5 products for kids’ health for 2023

As well as all the basics for good health (nutrition, exercise, sleep), there are some great products out there that can really make a world of difference to our kids’ health.

I have two little ones myself, so I test these products out on my own kids and look at the effectiveness from a clinical perspective.

So here are my top 5 products for kids’ health for 2023 that I can recommend to you.


Kids who are low in magnesium tend to crave sugar, be moody, have trouble sleeping, seem tired or have energy highs and low and may have rashes or eczema flares.

Your child also needs magnesium for regulation capacity. You can provide all the safety cues you like, but if they're deficient in magnesium, they're going to remain in the fight/flight activation.

The easiest way to get magnesium into kids is to throw it in their bath water. For my kids? I put about 1/2 a cup once a week to give them a little boost.

You need to use MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE flakes, which the body absorbs and the cells can utilise immediately. Epsom Salts are wonderful to detox the body, but terrible for magnesium absorption.

Shop Magnesium Flakes here.

Bone Broth

There are just so many benefits of bone broth and it’s an ideal first food for babies. It helps with gut health, immune boosting and it’s easy to digest.

You can make your own bone broth but if the time and effort is out of the question for you, there are some very good pre-made broths (and there are also some very awful ones as well!) Just be aware that some contain a lot of fillers and some are bulk imports from China.

Here is my recommendations of the one that I trust.

Shop Bone Broth here.

Blue Light Blocking Lights

My kids use these every night for reading! Blue light is not great for kids and can affect their health, behaviour and development.

The Blue Light Blocking Lamps and Booklights are great for late night reading or even just to use as a safe night light. They are so great for travelling as well.

Use the code: CARRIE15 to get 15% off all the blue light blocking products here.

Synthetic Free Vitamins

So many of the vitamins on the market are synthetic! In an ideal world we would be able to get all our vitamins from a real food diet but kids can be fussy eaters and our soil is depleted of nutrients these days.

It’s best to source your vitamins from concentrated real food sources. I love this powdered Vitamin C blend. It also contains prebiotics so it’s good for your gut and it’s all certified organic, so totally free from all nasties!

Shop Natural Vitamins here.

The Z-Vibe

The Z-Vibe is a very clever little vibratory therapy tool that can help stimulate the sensory system, and can also build oral tone. You can use it to improve a variety of speech, sensory and feeding skills, which are often best done with a 1:1 consult (but the Right/Left brain Workshop is a good place to start!).

You can also purchase the different attachments, and use it on the chest to calm down the stress response (my kids love it right before bed!).

Shop the Z-Vibe here. A similar tool that also works well is the Buzz Buddy.

So, that’s my top 5 products for kids’ health that I am loving at the moment! If you would like some further information, drop me a message or an email.

See all my Resources and Recommendations.

*Please note that some of these links are affiliates which means I may get a small commission when you purchase (at no extra cost to yourself). Thank you for supporting and honouring the time it takes to research amazing products for you!